Sessay Community Trust

Structure and Purpose

The objectives of the Sessay Community Trust (SCT) are to run a village hall and provide and maintain a recreation and sports ground and other community facilities and projects in the interests of social welfare, with the aim of improving the conditions of life of the inhabitants of Sessay and Hutton Sessay. To provide appropriate help and support to the poor and needy of the Parish. The structure is detailed in the Standing Orders document (below).

Sessay Community Trust

Trustees : Guy Musgrave, Doreen Till, Richard Ormston, David Willoughby, Dennis Ayling, Carole Trow, Pete Dale, Richard Lupson

Chairman ; Carole Trow
Treasurer : Colin Syers
Secretary & Booking Secretary : Carole Trow

Committee members are, representing:
Bowls – indoor D Ayling
Bowls – outdoor K Ellis
Cricket – G Jackson
First responders – S Smith
Ladies darts – D Till
Parish Council – S Prentice
Parochial Church Council – J Walburn
Tuesday Club – M Watkinson
Village Representative – L Cornell
Village Representative – H Dale
Website – R Lupson
WI – M May
Honorary members – E Swales, B Anderson, T Barton


SCT Committee meetings all at 7.30pm

Monday 13th January 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025

Monday 14th July 2025

Monday 13th October 2025

AGM 2025 at 7.30pm

Monday 7th April 2025 (closed meeting for committee members and  trustees)

Open meetings all at 7.30pm – to update the community

Monday 24th February 2025. At this meeting the clubs and users groups are asked to give their annual updates.

Monday 27th October 2025


Minutes from the previous meeting will appear here once they have been agreed at the following meeting.

Archived Minutes

July 24th 2024

January 4th 2024

October 23 2023

September 18 2023

August 8 2023

June 6 2023

April 25 2023

April 3 2023

Other Documents

Sessay Community Trust Constitution

Sessay Community Trust Standing Orders