Here is the June Newsletter for Sessay

Strawberry Tea

Sunday 25th June, from 1.30 – 5 pm in the Village Hall

Sessay is well known for its delicious teas and we are sure our Strawberry Teas on Sunday 25th June, from 1.30 – 5 pm in the Village Hall,  will not disappoint! 

There will be sandwiches, sausage rolls and plenty of cakes, of course.

Teas, coffees, soft drinks and fizz!

There will also be a Tombola.

Any funds raised will go towards the redecoration of the Church.

Any items for the tombola, please give to Sue at Camp House Farm.

Any donations of cakes very welcome on the day.

Sessay Village Bar

Sessay Village Bar is open regularly!

The new Cricket Season is underway. This means the bar will be run in co-operation between the Cricket Club and people from the village. The Village Bar is open every Friday evening from 6pm for junior training until late with regular barbecue, on Saturdays from 5-9 pm and on some Sundays when there are matches. Come and join friendly conversation and banter over a pint (other drinks available!). Occasional quizes or dominoes or other surprises. Bring your neighbour! If you are interested to help, please contact Dennis by email or just turn up.

Keep up to date for last minute changes via Sessay Village Bar Facebook page.


Regular Events at the Village Hall

Sessay Bowls Club

There are home matches on Monday 5th, 12th and 26th of June and Thursday 1st, 8th June.  Come and watch!  Saturday practice every Saturday weather permitting. New members always welcome. You don’t need anything other than flat soled shoes.

The rest of the matches can be found here

June 7th

Sessay WI 2:00 pm History of Liquorice  Miss Alison Moore   

Find the full WI Programme here

June 11th

St Cuthbert’s Church 10.30 – Morning Prayer including Baptism and coffee afterwards.

June 12th

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Come and be Creative in an Arts Class. £2 entry.

More about Rural Arts classes here.

June 13th

Tuesday Club – Summer Trip! Mystery Tour to Tennant’s of Leyburn with afternoon
tea and a film show.

Find the full Tuesday Club programme here.

June 24th

Community Café – There is no community Cafe this month because of the Strawberry afternoon Teas on June 25th. See above.

June 25th

St Cuthbert’s Church 10.30 – 10.30 – Holy Communion with Rev Pauline and coffee afterwards.

June 26th

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Come and be Creative in an Arts Class. £2 entry.

More about Rural Arts classes here.


If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.

Posted in Event, Information, News.

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