Here is the May Newsletter for Sessay

Sessay Coronation Celebrations

Decorated Village

Friday 5th – Monday 8th May 2023

All villagers are invited to decorate front doors, gates, fences or gardens with flags and bunting to give the village a festive feel for the whole Coronation Weekend

Great Art & Craft Exhibition

Sunday 7th and Monday 8th May 10am – 4pm

Venue St Cuthberts Church, Sessay

Any villager of any age and experience is invited to create an item with the theme of ‘Great Britain’ or ‘Coronation’ to be displayed in the church for the whole weekend.

It can be made of any material and ANY form of art or craft. (e.g. knitting, flowers, painting, photography, pottery or woodwork)

Please bring your item to the Church on Friday 5th May between 4 and 6 pm for inclusion in the exhibition.

Celebratory Service

Sunday 7th May 10:30 am

There will be a short Celebratory at St Cuthbert’s Church service to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles.

Big Village Get Together

Monday 8th May

Venue: Sessay Village Hall 2:00pm onwards. Village Bar open all afternoon.

The intention of the Bank Holiday to celebrate the Coronation is for people to come together in their communities and to share community action. We encourage you all to join in with this intention and make sure your neighbours are able to join in too.

Please bring a sharing plate of buffet style food to make your contribution to The Whole Village Buffet available all afternoon in the Village Hall.

There will also be:

  • Display of Coronation Memorabilia
  • An Official Opening and Cake cutting
  • Presentation to the village Children of a free commemoration mug
  • Children’s Fancy Dress, Bouncy Castle and Sports Competitions
  • Grand Finale Coronation Quiz – Bar area 6:00pm

Please take the opportunity over the weekend to enjoy all the flags and decorations on villager’s houses.

Commemoration Coronation Mugs for adults will be for sale in the Church and Village Hall all weekend.

If you have any further offers of help please get in touch with Dennis by email . or anyone from the Village Hall Committee.

Sessay Bowls Club

There are home matches on Monday 1st, 8th, and 22nd of May and Thursday 11th May.  Come and watch!  Saturday practice every Saturday weather permitting. New members always welcome. You don’t need anything other than flat soled shoes.

The rest of the matches can be found here

Sessay Village Bar

Sessay Village Bar is open regularly!

The new Cricket Season is upon us. This means the bar will be run in co-operation between the Cricket Club and people from the village. The Village Bar is open every Friday evening from 6pm for junior training until late with regular barbecue, on Saturdays from 5-9 pm and on some Sundays when there are matches. Come and join friendly conversation and banter over a pint (other drinks available!). Occasional quizes or dominoes or other surprises. Bring your neighbour! If you are interested to help, please contact Dennis by email or just turn up.

Keep up to date for last minute changes via Sessay Village Bar Facebook page.

Sessay Community Trust update

The Sessay Community Trust now publishes meeting minutes. They can be found here.

The Village Hall refurbishment has gained planning approval and the proposed work is going out to tender, along with parallel applications for appropriate grants. Proposed plans can be seen on the planning portal and in the Village Hall entrance.

Audio-visual equipment has been installed to enhance presentations in the hall. This includes projector, screen, speaker system, microphones and portable individual hearing loops.

Future fund raising events are planned for after the summer. You’ll find out here first!!

Regular Events at the Village Hall

May 1st

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Extra session to create a Coronation piece of art for display on the Coronation weekend £2 entry.

May 3rd

Sessay WI 2:00 pm Resolutions followed by a Coronation Afternoon Tea

Find the full WI Programme here

May 7th

St Cuthbert’s Church, 10.30 – Short Celebratory Service to commemorate the Coronation.

May 8th

Village Coronation Celebrations – see above.

May 10th

Tuesday Club – 2:00 pm – Trash to Treasure – Mr C Powel

Find the full Tuesday Club programme here.

May 14th

St Cuthbert’s Church 10.30 – Morning Prayer with David Brooke and coffee afterwards.

May 15th

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Come and be Creative in an Arts Class. £2 entry.

More about Rural Arts classes here.

May 17th

Village Hall – Parochial Parish Council Meeting  7:00pm. All welcome.

May 22nd

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Come and be Creative in an Arts Class. £2 entry.

More about Rural Arts classes here.

May 27th

Community Café – 10:00 – 11:30 Tea Cakes and Coffee – all welcome. A chance to meet friends and neighbours over coffee and cake.

May 28th

St Cuthbert’s Church 10.30 – 10.30 – Holy Communion with Rev Pauline and coffee afterwards.


If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.

Posted in Event, Information.

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