Here is the February Newsletter for Sessay

Church Coffee Morning

Saturday 11th February 10 – 11.30am

Church Coffee Morning to support the Kwa Mkono Children’s Hostel in Tanzania. The Hostel has received support from Sessay community for 40 years. Our donations help with grants of equipment and funding so the hostel can offer rehabilitation, education and training to physically disabled young people, enabling them to live independently when they leave. Do join us to help continue to support this worthy cause. Everyone welcome.

Sessay Community Trust A.G.M.

Monday February 6th 7:30 pm

This is the AGM of the organisation which manages and runs our community Village Hall. It is an open meeting and your chance to catch up with what is happening, the changes that are coming, and your chance to say what you would like to happen in the future.

Free taster dance fitness class

Thursday February 9th at 1:45 pm

Free Event. A fun, 80’s and 90’s themed get together where we dance along to amazing music from those decades – think Fame, Flashdance, Let’s Get Physical and so much more! Find out more on the Mum-Dance website

There will be a charity tin for Lucie’s Animal Rescue for anyone who wishes to donate.

For more information contact Sam on 07814 516600 or email Sam here

Race Night

Saturday February 11th 7:00 pm for 7:30 start.

Sessay Cricket Club are holding a Race Night in Sessay Village Bar. All are welcome for this fun evening.

Sessay Village Bar

Sessay Village Bar is open regularly!

The Village Bar is open every Friday evening from 7pm. onward. Come and join friendly conversation and banter over a pint (other drinks available!). Occasional quizes or dominoes or other surprises. Bring your neighbour! If you are interested to help, please contact Dennis by email or just turn up.

Comedy Night

Date for your diary – Wednesday 22nd March Comedy Night in Sessay Village Hall. Host plus 2 acts. Should be great fun.

Regular Events at the Village Hall

February 1st

Sessay WI 2:00 pm

February 12th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:30 am Morning Prayer with David Brooke and coffee afterwards.

February 13th

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Come and be Creative in an Arts Class. £2 entry.

More about Rural Arts classes here.

February 14th

*** NOTE *** Tuesday Club has returned to Tuesday every month until further notice.

Tuesday Club – 2:00 pm – Grandad at Large Mr P Barron

Find the full Tuesday Club programme here.

February 26th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay – 10:30 Holy Communion with Rev Pauline and coffee afterwards.

February 25th

Community Café – 10:00 – 11:30 Tea Cakes and Coffee – all welcome. A chance to make your New Year resolutions over coffee and cake.

February 27th

Rural Arts Class 10:00. Come and be Creative in an Arts Class.


If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.

Posted in Information, Meeting, News.

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