Here is the October Newsletter for Sessay

Harvest Festival

October 7th 7:00 pm

Our Harvest Festival takes place at St Cuthbert’s Church on Friday 7th October at 7pm. The service is followed by a harvest supper and auction of produce in the Village Hall. Sessay harvest suppers are well known for a vast array of delicious food …. it has to be seen to be believed! The bar will also be open. After the supper, Margaret Watkinson takes to the stage to conduct the auction of produce, and some creative items. Margaret ends with one of her special jokes!

It promises to be a great evening. 

We would be most grateful for any contributions to the supper and the sale of produce. These should be at the Village Hall between 6 and 7pm on the Friday evening.

Proceeds from the evening go towards the restoration and refurbishment of the Church.

Pig Race

October 22nd 6:30pm

This exciting event involves racing electronic pigs and there are several ways to get involved. You can become a ‘pig owner’! Owning a pig costs £5 and you can own one by contacting Doreen (see below). You can bet on one or all of the several races which will be held on the night. Entrance is £4 in advance including a Pie and Pea supper.  Tickets from Doreen before October 15th.  Tickets are available on the door for £5, but you run the risk of us running out of Pies. The bar will be open and it promises to be great fun. All proceeds to the Village Hall Refurb.

Doreen Till can be contacted on 01845 577906 or via Email.

We wont have real pigs! No pigs will be harmed in our Pig Race!

Christmas Fayre

November 19th

We are planning a Christmas Fayre to be held in the Village Hall throughout the day on November 19th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to purchase Christmas pressies, cards & stocking fillers. A range of local crafts people have already booked, but there are stalls available. Please let Carole know of anyone you think may be interested. Email her here. There will be a Tombola, Tea, Coffee, Mulled Wine and Mince pies and possibly cakes. There will be a post box for Children’s Letters to Santa and hopefully a children’s activities table if there is room!

More details will be finalised before the next newsletter.

Community Champions

Land Drain Clearance

Thanks are due to Jake and Nick for clearing the land drains in the village

Apparently,  no one is responsible for doing this task and it is only through their contribution, the drains have been cleared. Without their efforts there would be a risk that the drains flood.  Jake who told me he was 88,  happily volunteered to climb into the drain chamber by our cottage and by hand clear all the silt.  Meanwhile Nick assisted by pulling the filled  buckets out the chamber   I think they both deserve a big  thank you from us all.

Author Andrew Loftus

Regular Events at the Village Hall

October 5th

Sessay W I – 2:00 pm “Stained Glass – A Mystery Trade

October 7th

Harvest Festival and Supper – see above.

October 9th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:30 Morning Prayer. Coffee afterwards

October 12th

Tuesday Club – Starts at 2:30pm. Seasonal Singers

October 23th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:30 Holy Communion. Coffee afterwards.

October 24th

Rural Arts 10:00 – 12:00 – An opportunity to make something creative. Silk Painting with Jane Carlisle Bellerby.

October 29th

Community Cafe – 10:00 – 11:30 Tea Cakes and Coffee – all welcome. Come to catch up with and make new friends in the village.

Sessay Village Bar

Now the Cricket Season has ended, the bar is not opening regularly on a Friday evening, for the time being. It will be open when there are darts team nights. Unfortunately these depend on when there are matches so the dates are a little irregular:

Mondays  – 03/10/22, 17/10/22, Wednesdays – 05/10/22, 12/10/22, 14/12/22, Opening time is 8:00 pm

The bar will also be open for these events:

Harvest Festival – Friday 07/10/22 from 7.30pm

Pig Race Night – Saturday 22/10/22 from 6.30pm

Sessay CC Annual Dinner – Saturday 12/11/22 from tbc (would expect around 6.30ish).


If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.

Posted in Event, Information, Meeting, News.

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