Christmas Fayre
November 19th 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Free Entry.
There is a wide range of stalls (18 in all) selling all sorts wonderful ideas for Christmas presents, cards and wrapping paper, along with confectionery and cake stalls from local crafts people.
Refreshments will be on sale, mulled wine, mince pies, tea & coffee.
There will also be a Tombola with fabulous prizes.
Darts Club Charity Night
Friday December 16th 7:30 pm
Open darts knockout in the bar at Sessay Village Hall.
Draw made at 7.30- list in bar for names/inform Doreen Till/ turn up by 7.30
Entry £3 which includes supper.
Money raised will go to Thirsk Food Bank
All spectators very welcome.
Sessay Village Bar Opening
Sessay Village Bar will be open regularly! Following discussions with Sessay Cricket Club who have been running the bar through the summer on Friday evenings and most Saturdays, the club has agreed to let volunteers from the Village to run the bar between 7 and 9 pm every Friday on a trial basis until March 2023. We are looking for a small group of volunteers to staff the bar. Training is being offered on the first night – November 25th from 6:30 pm – so if you are interested to help, please contact Dennis by email or just turn up.
We are also looking for volunteers to come regularly, buy drinks and enjoy the social atmosphere and reasonable prices! Bring your neighbour! It feels a bit like the old days!
The Village Bar will also be open for World Cup matches. England vs U.S.A. on November 25th at 6:30pm (the first night for village volunteers) and also for the England vs Wales match on Tuesday November 29th at 6:30 pm. I guess it depends how England do beyond that date so there should be a few more nights. Come on England!
Pig Race

Who knew that 8 battery powered pink furry pigs could provide so much fun and enjoyment. The Pig Race event was a huge success.
We made a brilliant £1050, which included an amazing £125 on the last race due to the incredible generosity of those bidding for the ownership of a pig, and £145 on the raffle.
I’m not sure exactly how many attended but all 70 pies purchased and 24 sausages for hotdogs were used. One or two people brought their own pies and a few were unable to have a pie as by the time they arrived all the pies were spoken for so I think about 100 must have attended, the youngest being only two weeks old!
It was a really fabulous night and wonderful to once again see the Village Hall full of people enjoying themselves.
A big thank you to Richard for making the race track, Phyllis and Clare for overseeing the supper, Margaret for being in charge of the raffle and everyone else who helped on the night or before hand.
All proceeds to the Village Hall Refurbishment.
Bowls Club Annual Dinner & Prize Giving

Sessay Bowls Club held its Annual Dinner at the Angel Hotel, Topcliffe on Friday 21st October. Club competition prizes were awarded to; L-R Rounthwaite Trophy P Gale, Marshall Cup K Ellis, Philip Eden Cup D Till, Ellis Waite Bowl S Barton, Handicap I Kirk, Drawn Pairs P Bee (with David Kenndy). Also awarded was the 4 Woods Trophy to A Allanson.
Harvest Festival
Back at the beginning of October we had a lovely Harvest Festival Supper. There was a short service at St Cuthberts Church, then was all came back to the Village Hall for a Splendid supper. This was followed by an auction of donated items ranging from kindling and potatoes to cake and whisky. There was some fast, furious and generous bidding and the auction raised £771. The supper and donations raised a further £399 for church funds.
Regular Events at the Village Hall
November 2nd
Sessay W I – 2:00 pm Christmas Flower Workshop including Wreath Making
November 9th
Tuesday Club – Starts at 2:30 pm. Shackleton 1915 Expedition to the Arctic – Joanne Ashton
November 12th
Sessay Cricket Club Annual Dinner
November 13th
St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:50 am Remembrance Service
November 19th
Chrismas Fayre -10:00 am – 3:00 pm (see above for details)
November 26th
Community Cafe – 10:00 – 11:30 Tea Cakes and Coffee – all welcome. Come to catch up with and make new friends in the village.
November 27th
St Cuthbert’s, Sessay – Joint Communion Service at St Oswalds, Sowerby. 10:30 am.
November 28th
Rural Arts 10:00 – 12:00 – An opportunity to make something creative.
If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.