Here is your September Newsletter for Sessay

Sorry but there is quite a lot in this month. There are a few one off events at the top. This is followed by Advanced News. Then comes Regular Events and finally a section for a couple of items Worth Noting.

Beech Tree Cutting / Electrical Disruption


As you may be aware the work to fell the copper beech tree on the perimeter of the village hall was undertaken on the 10th & 11th of August. Unfortunately Northern Power Grid did not give the tree surgeon the previously agreed allocated time to fell all the area close to the power line. It is hoped that another slot will be allocated in September for the work to be complete. The tree surgeon has assured us that the remaining large stump is now stable but we wish to complete the work as soon as possible.

We also asked the tree surgeon to inspect the Sycamore tree on the perimeter who feels the damaged branches do cause a hazard and believes this work can be done without the need to turn the power off. They will however do a detailed inspection when the power is off to complete the work on the copper beech tree.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation whilst we safely remove the diseased trees.

The Copper Beech – felling in progress.

Carpet Bowls

September 6th

The Carpet Bowls season starts in the Village Hall and continues through until the spring. This runs on every Tuesday night at 7:15 pm and is open to anyone. No bowls, special shoes or clothing are required and its great fun. The club also plays in a local league and away matches are on other nights. Everyone is welcome so just come along. Contacts are Margaret 01845 501542 or Sandra 01845 597588.

Sessay Bowls Club Finals Day

September 11th

Sessay Bowls Club holds its Finals Day on September 11th starting at 10:30 am with the Philip Eden Cup. The afternoon is the climax of several other internal club competitions which have been held throughout the year. Starting at 1:00 pm there is the 2 Wood Handicap cup, the 4 Woods Ellis/Waite Cup and the Rounthwaite Cup which is played on the day on a knockout basis . Spectators are welcome. There is also a celebratory meal for those taking part in the Village Hall afterwards.

Harvest Festival

October 7th

Our Harvest Festival takes place at St Cuthbert’s Church on Friday 7th October at 7pm. The service is followed by a harvest supper and auction of produce in the Village Hall. Sessay harvest suppers are well known for a vast array of delicious food …. it has to be seen to be believed! The bar will also be open. After the supper, Margaret Watkinson takes to the stage to conduct the auction of produce, which she ends with one of her special jokes!

It promises to be a great evening. 

We would be most grateful for any contributions to the supper and the sale of produce. These should be at the Village Hall between 6 and 7pm on the Friday evening.

Proceeds from the evening go towards the restoration and refurbishment of the Church.

WI Open meeting

September 7th 2:00pm

Open Event – The History of Banletts (a local agricultural firm).

Once a year the W.I. hold a meeting open to everyone, not just ladies! This sounds like a very interesting talk.

Advanced News of upcoming events

Pig Race!

October 22nd 6:30pm

Following the very successful Quiz Night held last week, the Village Hall committee are holding another Family Event – a Pig Race! This exciting event involves racing electronic pigs and there are several ways to get involved. You can become a ‘pig owner’ or you can bet on one or all of the several races which will be held on the night. The bar will be open and it promises to be great fun.

We wont have real pigs! No pigs will be harmed in our Pig Race!

More information to follow about the Pig Race. Get the date in your diary.

Christmas Fayre

November 19th

We are planning a Christmas Fayre to be held in the Village Hall throughout the day on November 19th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. At the moment we are looking for a range of local crafts people who may want to have a stall at the market. £10 per stall. Please let Carole know of anyone you think may be interested. Email her here.

Again – more information to follow.

Regular Events at the Village Hall

September 11th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:30 Morning Prayer. Coffee afterwards

September 14th

Tuesday Club – Can Homeopathy help with Aches and Pains? – Aileen Smith. Back on a Wednesday again. Starts at 2:30pm.

September 24th

Community Cafe – 10:00 – 11:30 Tea Cakes and Coffee – all welcome. Come to catch up with and make new friends in the village.

September 25th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:30 Holy Communion with Rev Pauline and coffee afterwards.

September 26th

Rural Arts 10:00 – 12:00 An opportunity to make something creative. Each month a local artist brings free materials and skills to help you make something arty!

Sessay Cricket Club

The cricket club continue their busy season into September. See Sessay Cricket Club for details.

Sessay Village Bar

Open on Fridays 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Saturdays 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm and maybe earlier on match days. And also sometimes on Sunday match days too!

Some printed pieces from the Eco-Print Rural Arts class held in August. We printed paper using the natural pigments from leaves and flower petals.

Also worth noting …

Tesco Petrol Station Closed

Tesco Thirsk petrol station is closed for refurbishment from 30th August to September 10th.

Sutton Bank Closed

Sutton Bank is closed to traffic from 7am on Sunday 11th September until 7pm on Sunday 2nd October to allow for the most extensive maintenance programme in its recent history.


If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.

Posted in Event, Information, News.

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