New Website

Thanks go to Richard Lupson for developing a new website for Sessay Village Hall.

A new website was needed as the previous one at was demised because the Parish Council needed a separate one.  The new website will hopefully fill in the gaps left.  Its primary aim is to promote and facilitate the use of the Village Hall which is now managed by Sessay Community Trust.

Still very much in it’s development stage Richard is open to suggestions as to how the site can be developed to suit our community needs.

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One Comment

  1. Good afternoon. Just a huge thanks to Tony Craven and his band for a great night last Saturday night – everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and nice to see people up and about dancing. We raised £430.10 for the continuing work on our Village Hall – a decent result. For those who did not come you missed a good night. Would also like to thank Lisa and Heather for their sterling work on the door and the raffle. Thanks too to Richard who helped put away the tables Sunday morning.Dennis

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