Here is the December Newsletter for Sessay

Darts Club Charity Night

Friday December 16th 7:30 pm

Open darts knockout in the bar at Sessay Village Hall.
Draw made at 7.30 – list in bar for names/inform Doreen Till/ turn up by 7.30
Entry £3 which includes supper.
Money raised will go to Thirsk Food Bank
All spectators very welcome.

Community Café

It is almost five years since we started this Community Café and it is great to see that it is as popular as ever!  

Although it is run as ‘not for profit’ there is a small surplus every month. In the past we have used this surplus to buy the Christmas tree, lights and decorations,  a new fridge and contributed towards some redecoration in the kitchen. We have also contributed towards the village playground equipment. 

It is now some time since we allocated any of the surplus funds, which have grown to approximately £900. It seems a sensible idea to donate this to the Village Hall refurbishment fundraising effort, particularly as the Hall Committee do not charge us for use of the hall. 

Thank you for your support over the past five years, which has enabled us to put surplus funds to good use in the community. Also, a special thank you to all the volunteers who run the café, donating both their time and some baking every month. 

Dates for your diary – it’s a double for December!

Saturday 17 December – free coffee, tea and mince pies as a Christmas special in the Village Hall 10 – 11.30am.

Saturday 31 December – a chance to make your New Year resolutions over coffee and cake in the Village Hall 10 – 11.30 am.

Sessay Village Bar Opening

Sessay Village Bar is open regularly!

The Village Bar is open every Friday evening from 7pm. Come and join friendly conversation and banter over a pint. Bring your neighbour! If you are interested to help, please contact Dennis by email or just turn up.

The Village Bar had also been open for the first couple of England games. I guess it depends how England do in the knockout stages so watch out – there should be a few more nights. Come on England!

Christmas Fair

November 19th

The Christmas Fair was a great success. There were 13 stall holders of great variety from our local community. Most of stall holders reported a successful day’s trading. A great deal of hard work was put in in the bar servicing tea and coffee, mulled wine and mince pies all day, along with the tombola. Thank you to all who worked so hard and generously donated tombola prizes. Overall £622.74 was raised for the Village Hall refurbishment.

Regular Events at the Village Hall

December 7th

Sessay W I – 2:00 pm Annual General Meeting followed by Afternoon Tea

December 11th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 10:30 am Morning Praise

December 12th

Rural Arts 10:00 – 12:00 – Wooden Painted Tree Decorations with Sorcha.

December 14th

Tuesday Club – Christmas Dinner at The Crab and Lobster 12 for 12:30

December 16th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay 6:30 pm Carol Service

December 17th

Community Café 10 – 11.30 am Free coffee, tea and mince pies as a Christmas special in the Village Hall

December 24th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay – 4:00 pm Crib Service

December 25th

St Cuthbert’s, Sessay – 10:30 Christmas Day Celebration and Holy Communion.

December 31st

Community Café – 10:00 – 11:30 Tea Cakes and Coffee – all welcome. A chance to make your New Year resolutions over coffee and cake.

December 31st This is a rumour … the Village Bar may be open for News Years Celbrations … watch this space.


If you want your event in the newsletter, or can think of something I’ve missed, please let me know by the last week of each month. Thank you.

Posted in Event, Information, Meeting.


  1. Many thanks for sending me the newsletter to Hambleton Grange. we would be keen to join in with your village activities but is the hall disabled friendly?
    we could also hold events and activities at Hambleton Grange if that would be possible to make it easier for us to join you as we need to get taxis to transport them.
    we are open to any ideas to how we could help and contribute and work with you all in the new Year.
    Happy Christmas to you all and Happy New Year

    • Hi Sandra,
      Thanks you for your comment. Im sure it will be possible to improve links. I will email the Village Hall Secretary, adding you in so she can get back to you.

  2. Hi Richard
    Just to let you know that WI in January is on Wednesday 4th at 2pm.
    The topic is “Christmas and New Year at Sandringham”
    The monthly competition is a homemade Christmas tree decoration
    I will be able to give you a copy of the programme for next year after our January meeting.
    On behalf of the WI can I thank you for all your hard work with the website and may we wish you a very happy Christmas and all the best for a happy and healthy 2023.

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